Human Rights & Modern Slavery Policy



The purpose of this document is to outline Pacific Medical’s commitment to, and support of, the promotion of human rights, and elimination of all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking. This document will guide and inform the decisions, actions and processes conducted by Pacific Medical, its directors, executives, employees, contractors, and suppliers. It will ensure that any actions conducted by these individuals will be in alignment to, and reflective of, our values surrounding these issues.
This document will outline Pacific Medical’s approach to combatting and eliminating modern slavery from within our value chain, and our commitment to respecting human rights in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).

Our Commitment

Pacific Medical recognises and respects the human rights of every person involved across our operations, supply chain and communities in which we operate. As a major Australian distributor of medical products across various sectors, we understand the significance of integrating human rights considerations into every facet of our business operations. We do not accept any form of human rights abuse and are committed to ensuring that all people are treated fairly, ethically and with respect.
Pacific Medical is committed to the and accordingly this Policy respects all internationally recognised human rights including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Labour Organisation’s Core Conventions.
While we are committed to and support the promotion of human rights across our operations and supply chain, we also recognise that we are at the beginning of our journey. An important component of this journey is developing, complying with, and communicating this Policy internally.

This Policy will:


This Policy always applies and is not restricted by work hours or other time and place considerations. No part of this Policy seeks to exclude any existing policies, commitments, or obligations of Pacific Medical or under Australian law. Where a local regulation or practice conflicts with internationally recognised human rights, Pacific Medical will apply the highest standard possible in the circumstances

Relevant Corporate Policy Principles

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery Actions

Internal Remediation Process

Pacific Medical follows an informal process, that enables our employees, contractors, agents and others to raise any issues, instances of misconduct or concerns that may arise. Where an incident is to occur, or a concern is to be raised, individuals are aware of the avenues to take to escalate the issue.
The Modern Slavery Working Group is responsible for receiving and reviewing instances of misconduct or concerns that arise. We strongly seek to remediate and mitigate any instances that are flagged and adhere to a stringent process and reasonable steps to remedy the issue.


Appendix A: International Human Rights Standards

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